Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Journey to Fitness 9

Today is going to be full of pics and results and new things I have been trying out! Tons of things to see. First pic:

I earned my orange lanyard and I finally got my T shirt!
I haven't been following the calendar I set up in JTF 8 but I'll show you what I've been doing and explain my calendar.
So this is what I've been doing.  I cut out a lot of workouts just because I'm not giving myself any true rest days.  Koko is the Koko Fitclub I've been doing and I promised the "Shred" and as you can see I've done it everyday so far.  6.7 - 6.13 I did workout 1. on 6.14 I tried workout 2 and on the 15th I did workout3. The last 3 days I did work out 2.  It does get a little easier as you get stronger but it's still kicking my hiney! I've been also including dance cardio xbox zumba and some dance dvds.  I needed more variety and I'm getting burned out but I keep reminding myself of the kind of body I want and that's been motivating me but it's hard.

Next I've been doing the "green smoothie" GS on the calendar.  I've gotten lazy a bit and well I haven't done it in about a week.  
I don't think a blender does quite a good job of making them but it's ok.  It will clear you out and you will notice some odd things like sore throat, kind of weak feeling and it's all because your body is ridding the toxins in your body. I also did more kale than called for and I didn't use any sweetener.  I didn't notice much but the bathroom was my new best friend... I may go back but use kale instead of spinach.
After these results I'll have links to images but will post the last results to the current.  I may do once a month compare start and current images.  

Ok so now the results... well it's only been 17 days since June 2nd... 
                    June 2, 2013                      June 19th - week before mens.

 Neck:           15.25 in                             15 in

Shoulder:       47 in                                 46 in

Chest:            43 in                                 42.5 in

Rib Cage:      37 in                                  37 in

Waist:            41 in                                  39.75 in

Hips:              46 in                                  44 in

Left Leg:        26 in                                  27.5 in

Right Leg:      25.5in                                 28 in

Left Arm:       12.75 in                              12.75 in

Right Arm:      13 in                                   12.5 in

Weight:            202lbs                                208lbs
         March 29                         to                           May 17                   and now                      June 19

                                                                                                                                                                      Keep up the good work and let me know if I can motivate or help in anyway...    

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Journey to Fitness 8

3 days til end of school for the 2012 - 2013 year and 4 days til I am off for Summer Break! Yay!!! Why am I sharing? Well...... I've made a workout schedule for myself.  Yes busy as a bee! So as the days come through I can check off what I completed.  Looks like every other sat will be my result day. Strength test on the 5th so I'll post those results and maybe pics  side by side 3 in a row or something. I'll always show before and after on any major day weather strength test or results.

Very busy it will be this month! I have also added the 30 day Shred to my work outs and I'm also thinking on Yes, Jillian will be the go to for 30 and then I don't know if I will go to another workout video.  I'll review them as I complete them.   I will load pics on results day and share inches lost.  I don't have a goal but to be stronger, more toned and the numbers to go down. With all this workout though? Something's gotta give!   Most recent pictures are on Journey to Fitness 5  -5/17/2013
Wish me luck!