Sunday, July 1, 2012

Water, Water, Quench the Hot Days of Summer!

 I appologize for errors in grammar and spelling. It's late night and stupid netbooks not responding well. I can't wait for my computer to come back.

So water is water and there's not really anything too interesting about it. When you need something cold nothing beats ice cold water. Lately, I've been making spa waters. I have been basically tossing all sorts of fruit and herbs to liven up the water and get some good vitamins and minerals and well it couldn't hurt after all almost everyone is adding lemons to their water. Lemons are great and all, but it kinda gets a bit old. Let's face it, if we infuse so many things why not with water? So without further a do here's two waters I've made:

 1st is something that's been online and is a clense: Spa Cleanse water or water to loose belly fat: ginger, lemon, cucumbers, mint.  This helps appearently with belly fat but I think if you look at each of the ingredients you will find that there's more benefits than just belly fat. I found after a day of drinking this, I wasn't really hungry, skin looked much better and overall it was not a bad drink. Looking online for health benefits I found that:
Cucumbers - cools blood, lowers blood pressure, cleanse kidney, improve skin and purifies bowels, helps
                      with digestion.
Lemon - High in vitamin C, B, phosphorus, helps with swollen gums, colds, fights rheumatism

Ginger - Fights colon cancer, helps with morning, and motion sickness, reduce pain and inflamation,
                heartburn relief, fight cold and flu, migraines, menstral cramp and helps prevent diabetic
                nephropathy (kidney damage)
Mint - brightens teeth, freshens breath, helps keep you awake, eliminates toxins, bacteria, fungus, rid
            headaches and migrains
Raspberry - antioxidant, anti microbial, potential to inhibit cancer cells
Blackberry - fights obesity, also antioxidant, reduces risk of intestinal disease, high fiber, fights heart
                     disease, improve eye sight and helps with diabetes.

2nd water was Spa water: raspberry, blackberry, mint, ginger, lemons.  This water was just one of those things you look at and think what would sound good together.  I also like that the berries give a different feel to the water.  I hope you enjoy the waters and take time to look up different fruits and herbs you can mix and get health benefits from it all.  Enjoy it all! I'll post more waters as I start making more.

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