Saturday, March 30, 2013

Journey to fitness 2

3/30 workout: Image is no longer -copyright
Hello... I went again today! Yay! So how did I do? Well, I tried the treadmill and that was a new experience.  I need practice with it but I did go to a ramp of 5 and stayed about 1-3.5 I tried to keep up but man I can't do well.  I accomplished finally 1 mile and I burned more cals than yesterday.  I got to try new things on the weight it's taking some getting used to.  I've maintained the 90% + and got a few 100% but I failed miserably the triceps pulls and the bicep curl bar thing.  For some reason the machine loved going back and forth on those for the last 2 exercises.  So far I'm still pumped. I'm not sure if I am going tomorrow since it's Easter and I've felt I've been going consistently but Monday will be a definite.  I'll keep posting as long as I am going.  I think it's my way of holding myself to it.

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