Friday, March 29, 2013

Journey to fitness

March 25th was my birthday.  I just turned 38.  I have realized the changes I need to make in my life. I am diabetic 2 and tired of the pills and being told while it's lowering I'm not doing enough. I also look at pictures and I find I shy away from cameras best I can.  So here you go my basic stats.  So I will try to post pics.  I'm not sure if I want to do a month to month or what right now but I will post them.
Age: 38
Weight: 210
Ht: 5'3
Diabetic2: Metformin, Actos, Tricor.  I'll post my A1c when I get my results I hope to go in by summer...

I tried Koko fitclub:
Club was clean, small and easy to get around.  The idea is to have a personal trainer with out having one and to get in and out quick but never be bored.  There is 15 min cardio and about 20 min of weight training.  I had a groupon for $19 you get 12 session, they offered me a better deal and I accepted.

Today, March 29th is my first day of Koko. Today I will actually sign up, and officially join.  I hope you will follow me on my journey.  My ups and downs and through this I hope you will find inspiration. I've got to go but I will be back in about an hour to follow up and post my before Koko pic and share myself a little more. 

So I just came back from the 1st day.  I did a fit check and while it was a lot I feel pretty good.  I go back in tomorrow for my 1st day of actual work out and I will continue to post.
3/29/13 before

3/29/13 before

3/29/13 before
My Porta: Former image is no longer due to copyright.

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