Friday, July 19, 2013

Journey to Fitness 10

It's been a long while since I've posted anything so here goes.  I stopped working out about 3 wks ago due to having family in town and wanting to spend time.  I tried to keep up but things just happened.  So I started back slowly trying to get into the habit.  I failed when I tweaked my back.  I got  SI Joint pain and so what it looks like is my left hip is higher than my right and my pelvis is tilted forward and the bottom of my spine in the pelvis area are twisted.... So after about 4 days of pain and immobility I went to the chiropractor.  He was able to loosen and alleviate the pain.  So I hope soon I will be able to get better and better sleep. 

Tip: When you have back pain and you have tried everything you could find.  I tried Biofreeze, hot showers, stretches - cat cow, planks, crunches, bridges, v-bends, adult beverages, ibuprofen , pain meds, walking,  all would work a little but when I tried to sleep  I was unable to get relief.  If I slept at all it would stiffen up and I couldn't move. Pillows, wedge, neck pillow between the knees or under the knees nothing helped.   Chiropractor was the best choice I made.  He would adjust and it would hurt in the worst way but it really loosened me up and the xrays looked like if I didn't go, I'd have a blown disc as my spine was out of whack.  He told me to continue light stretches and core exercises gently, and ice 3x a day.

Ice: I would wrap it in a towel which works ok but it is so long that when it's wrapped around in layers you no longer get the cold benefit.  I decided to make a cold pack cover.  I used fleece but you can use any materials and make an envelope for it. 


take a cold pack and the material.
wrap around so it covers and overlaps on  one side and cut to size.
on the wrong side sew the vertical length edges.
Sew the end sides and turn inside out.
put the ice pack in and it will hold in place.

I am getting better day by day. But I may put my membership to Koko on hold til I am a little stronger. 

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