Friday, May 17, 2013

Journey to Fitness 5

Yay! I got 100% which means I had a perfect workout but alas no one was working the desk at the fitness club :( I got to share my moment with a nice lady at the club and so I hope her workout went well.  It's so bad that I can't remember her name but thank you for being there for me in happenstance. It's been quite some time since I've last journal-ed.  So just to fill you guys in.  I have been working on my weight loss since March 25th.  I want to control my diabetes (2) with food and exercise.  I've been drinking a lot of water, stopped a lot of soda though I still have a diet coke or dr. pep once in a while but other than that I am not really changing much of my eating habits which is not great but I have been logging them on My Fitness Pal app and I find myself working out to burn cals. to be able to eat what I want, though it's not always a healthy food choice. So here's some results I've been wanting to share:
I had my strength test:
8% strength gain! - Koko
Weight loss: 8 lbs - my home scale
waist inches: 3.5 - "Biggest Loser"

What I've been doing:
Koko, Xbox Zumba Rush and Zumba ABS/Core and Dance Central 1-3 Just started the "Biggest Loser 8 Week Challenge" at my apt.
I'm finding the Bat wings and lots of cellulite as I am losing the weight.
Apps I've been using:
Fooducate and Myfitnesspal to log my food. Ptracker (girl stuff) , Map my walk.
Wish to have:
Amiigo when it comes out!
 I didn't notice my body changes til I looked at these pictures and this is what I got.
**update** I didn't get the t shirt and was downer about the whole thing.  I was bitter and well I had lady stuff going on so I apologize to Koko manager for my behavior. 

Before                                                                                                 After

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