Sunday, May 26, 2013

Journey to fitness 6

I have finally gotten 100% Pace and 1000 points = T-shirt!

It was a hard workout but not sore.  I did the elliptical and kept up the pace.  I think I get a better work out on that anyway.
I'm still going at it.  I'm finding that sadly my workouts at Koko are getting mundane and I need a change.  This caused me to try to do my xbox during my off days.  I'm still working out all the scheduling for workouts as I'm trying to do more than days allot.   Last week I worked at Koko on Sun and Tues and Mon I did bootcamp and then on Wed I did a light workout on xbox and then I just stopped Thurs - Sat.  Sunday, today I finally went back to Koko and got the "Perfect Workout".. Last time I thought I did but they said no I didn't have 1000 points.  I was upset and the lady said oh no you will get it just keep working at it.  I said oh I probably won't ever get it! It was a rough week with changes at work and then not really giving my body a break, not getting enough sleep and having Aunt Flo visit didn't help.  Anyway, now that I got the points and hopefully the shirt there's nothing to really strive for except the lanyards and well those you get just for working out so many times.  So at this point the workouts for me are stale and I need a huge change.  I may just drop Koko for a little while but the hard thing is I'm paying for it. I don't know I need some inspiration. 

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